Whether you've come to PSW as a person with lived experience as an attempt or loss survivor, an educator, healthcare provider, first responder, reporter, or someone who recognizes the importance of suicide prevention in our state, we are excited you're here. 


Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive. 

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) model shows nine strategies that form a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Each strategy is a broad goal that can be advanced through an array of possible activities (i.e., programs, policies, practices, and services). PSW works to align our efforts with evidence based and best practice strategies.

Our State Strategy aligns with the National Suicide Prevention Strategy (National Strategy). 

The National Strategy is a call to action intended to guide the nation’s suicide prevention efforts. Released by the U.S. Surgeon General and the Action Alliance, the National Strategy presents 13 goals and 60 objectives for suicide prevention and describes the role that each of us can play in preventing suicide and reducing its impact on individuals, families, and communities.

After you've learned about what suicide is, how to talk about it, who is affected and in what ways, and how lived experience can help push prevention efforts forward, check out the Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Strategy to explore your role in preventing suicide in Wisconsin.