Other ways to get involved with partner organizations outside of Prevent Suicide Wisconsin:

Volunteer with Crisis Text LineVolunteer for a Crisis CenterBring Prevention to Your SchoolFacilitate a Suicide Loss Support Group

There are countless opportunities to get involved with suicide prevention in Wisconsin! 

One of the easiest ways to get started is to join your local coalition. Coalitions might be involved in several of the following activities:

  • Suicide prevention/awareness walks
  • Fundraising for local resources
  • Gatekeeper trainings (QPR, Adult/Youth Mental Health First Aid, etc.)
  • School suicide prevention programs (Signs of Suicide, Sources of Strength, Hope Squad, etc.)
  • Postvention support
  • Survivors of suicide loss support groups
  • Means restriction efforts (distributing gun locks, medication disposal kits, etc.)
  • Supporting local Zero Suicide efforts
  • Collecting data and evaluating programs
  • and more!