Goal 4: Improve Monitoring and Evaluation of Suicide and Suicide Prevention Activities

Use Wisconsin death certificate and violent death data to describe the impact of suicide in Wisconsin, improve data collection, and expand data linkages to further the understanding of suicide.

Epidemiology, the use of data to identify risk factors and track the occurrence and trends in areas such as suicide and suicide attempts, is vital in identifying the burden of suicide. Data and evaluation are not just important in research, but are important components for any change effort. The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin 2007-2011 report is an example of the use of data for programmatic direction and measurement of intervention. Wisconsin will work to utilize the collection and analysis of data to assure that resources used in the state to prevent suicide are used effectively to decrease suicide attempts and suicide.

(See Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Strategy, Page 23) 


The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin 2007-2011 - Released 2014

The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin - Released September 2008

Annual Suicide Rate Wisconsin vs. U.S. 2005-2015

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health, information from the Wisconsin Violent Death Reporting System

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Injury Prevention Program

Use data to identify subpopulations at elevated/disproportionate risk of suicide in order to guide program efforts.

The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin 2007-2011 report identified populations at elevated risk of suicide. These include:

  • Men 45-54 years of age
  • People with less than a high school degree
  • Divorced people
  • Veterans
  • Persons with a current mental health problem
  • Persons with intimate partner problems

By targeting efforts to work with these populations, there may be a better chance of having an impact on suicide in Wisconsin. Over time, the relative risk of suicide among various groups may change. As such, continuous surveillance and investigation are necessary to ensure that prevention efforts remain focused on the populations and communities with the greatest needs.

(See Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Strategy, Page 24)


Department of Health Services WISH Query System

CDC WISQARS Query System


The Trevor Project, suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ youth

DryHootch, a veterans peer support organization working with vets from all eras

Man Therapy, an example of a targeted media campaign designed to appeal to working-age men

Evaluate interventions used to reduce suicide attempts and deaths in Wisconsin.

Evaluation is a "driving force for planning effective suicide prevention strategies, improving existing programs, informing and supporting policy, and demonstrating the results of resource investments."

Whatever suicide prevention interventions are selected, there is a need to know if they have made a difference. One step to selecting prevention interventions is to examine how they have been implemented in other states or communities and whether they have been effective. Finally, there is also a need to determine if this plan for suicide prevention leads to reduced morbidity and mortality due to suicide.

(See Wisconsin Suicide Prevention Strategy, Page 25)


A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention

Many public health professionals are called on to develop or expand a suicide prevention program at the state or local level. They want their program to have maximum impact, even with minimal resources. A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention can help identify activities that will be effective in addressing the problem of suicide and assist with prioritizing efforts among the different options. This course uses three fictional task forces to illustrate a strategic planning approach.

This free, online course can be completed in about five and a half hours and teaches you to:

  • Describe the suicide problem and its context.
  • Choose long-term goals for a suicide prevention program.
  • Identify key risk and protective factors on which to focus.
  • Select or develop interventions that will decrease or increase these risk and protective factors.
  • Plan an evaluation.
  • Implement the interventions and the evaluation.
  • Take further action based upon the evaluation and changes in the context in which the prevention program is implemented.

Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide

This document is a “how to” guide for planning and implementing evaluation activities. The manual, based on CDC’s Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health, is intended to assist managers and staff of public, private, and community public health programs to plan, design, implement and use comprehensive evaluations in a practical way.

Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models

This course provides a holistic approach to planning and evaluating education and outreach programs. It helps program practitioners use and apply logic models - a framework and way of thinking to help us improve our work and be accountable for results. You will learn what a logic model is and how to use one for planning, implementation, evaluation or communicating about your program.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Best Practices Registry

The BPR is organized into three sections, each with different types of best practices. In essence, the BPR is three registries in one. The three sections do not represent levels, but rather they include different types of programs and practices reviewed according to specific criteria for that section.

Click on the section name below for section-specific criteria and listings:

  • Section I: Evidence-Based Programs lists interventions that have undergone evaluation and demonstrated positive outcomes.
  • Section II: Expert and Consensus Statements lists statements that summarize the current knowledge in the suicide prevention field and provide best practice recommendations to guide program and policy development.
  • Section III: Adherence to Standards lists suicide prevention programs and practices whose content has been reviewed for accuracy, likelihood of meeting objectives, and adherence to program design standards. Inclusion in this section means only that the program content meets the stated criteria. It does not mean that the practice has undergone evaluation and demonstrated positive outcomes. (Such programs are listed in Section I.)

Niatx : An easy to use model for process improvement designed specifically for behavioral health