
Hope: A Guide for Faith Leaders to Help Prevent Youth Suicide:

This resource guide was developed in partnership with the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. The purpose of the guide is to provide faith leaders with guidance for identifying and helping youth who may be at risk for suicide. Join in fostering a sense of connectedness, meaning, and hope for our youth.

Suicide Prevention Competencies for Faith Leaders: Supporting Life Before, During, and After a Suicidal Crisis 

This new resource, informed by faith community leaders and suicide prevention experts, aims to help equip faith leaders with the capabilities needed to prevent suicide and provide care and comfort for those affected by suicide.

Faith, Hope, Life Campaign This campaign lists four steps for faith communities to take action to prevent suicide: 

1. Learn the facts about suicide and share this knowledge with others in your faith community. 

2. Pray and Worship - Incorporate suicide prevention into your faith community's worship and gatherings.

Sample prayers on faith, hope and life

Communication aids (flyers, bulletin inserts, posters, graphic art) 

3. Provide care and comfort when someone dies by suicide 

4. Build community 

Responding to a Faith Member At Risk for Suicide - Fact Sheet

Faith Leaders' Guide to Self Care after a Suicide - Video